Friday, June 29, 2018

The final part to our Power of Food Week

This week has been so much fun with The Power of Food. I know that the blog for this week has been long but I hope that everyone has enjoyed seeing how much the teachers and children love The Power of Food week. So, to end the blog for the week you will be seeing pictures of sandwich making, reading five little apples along with the veggie alphabet and washing veggies for water play.

Sandwich Making

 Five Little Apples

Veggie Alphabet 

 Veggie Wash

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Second Half of The Power of Food

This part of The Power of Food has to deal with some of the things that the teachers came up with to make their classrooms reflect the theme for the week. One class did fruit naming and another one made a pink lemonade stand along with a sensory play for the pink lemonade. The last pictures on today's blog are going to have to do with pizza making.

Fruit Naming

 Pink Lemonade Stand and Sensory

 Pizza Making

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Power of Food

The focus this week has been The Power of Food. The children and staff have done so many wonderful activities this week that we are going to need to break this blog up into three different days. The children and teachers kicked off the week with a Farmers Market and then did a little produce stamping on Tuesday. One of our classes made oatmeal play-dough for buzz idea for the class. The children loved the fact that they were able to eat the play-dough....hahaha. We had another class make cupcakes for a snack and they really enjoyed being able to prepare something and then eat the finished product.

Farmers Market

Produce Stamping

Oatmeal Play-dough

 Cupcake Making

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Power of Math

This week we have been focusing on The Power of Math. The children have been doing all sorts of activities to help them learn math in different ways. The children have been noodle counting, painting numbers, playing hopscotch and making a goldfish graph. They have had so much fun learning how to do math in so many different and interesting ways. 

Noodle counting

Painting numbers

                                                                        Playing hopscotch

                                                                      Goldfish graphing

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Power of Music!!

This week we focused on different musicians for The Power of Music. Kicked off our week with Michael Monday, Tuesday we had Ol' Blue Eyes and Wednesday was Elvis Extravaganza. Thursday was a hit with Dolly Day and to end the week we had a Beatles Bonanza.

                                                                 Michael Monday

                                                                       Ol' Blue Eyes

                                                              Elvis Extravaganza

Dolly Day
                                                                 Beatles Bonanza